Umbreon Cosplay from Pokemon


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05-25 09:18 The Magic Catgirl
Hello! Just so you know, the name of the artist who drew this is Rockbat.
05-25 21:16 CosplayFu (
Hello The Magic Catgirl, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly. n_n

02-22 05:39 Brijaana Royal
Hi. I was wondering if I could see an actual picture of a completed costume instead of a drawing? Thanks
02-22 06:46 CosplayFu (
Hello Brijaana Royal, this is our commission series, and we will update the actual product photos as soon as possible.  If you order it, we will send you the actual product photos before ship it to you, and our tailor will adjust it if you don't satisfy with it, so please don't worry about this.  n_n
