Silver Wig (Spike,Short,Gilbert CF10)


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07-06 13:10 joey
Hey I just received my wig and its fine and all but its not styled nowhere near how it looks and the hair is longer than the picture.
07-06 20:22 CosplayFu (
Hello joey, the actual wig is same as the product photo, but it will pack with the basic style, after you receives it, just use some hair styling clay to fix the style will be okay.  n_n

*We pack the wig with basic style (like: no spikes, pony tails will not clip on the wig directly but put flat together; wavy & curly style are still the same) to avoid style destroyed during international shipping process.   d(^_^)
12-08 05:39 Nathan
Hello I have a question for the wig is it possible to change the color of it. I would want mine to be the kind of blue that Ike's hair is. I would want the hairstyle the same as in the picture just that color. How do I change the color if possible?
12-08 19:41 CosplayFu (
Hello Nathan, the actual wig is just same as the photo shown; if you'd like to change the color/design/material, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n
