Vergil Cosplay from Devil May Cry 3


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10-13 12:45 Quintin A Harbin
Hello. Are you able to do commissions for props that are not on your site such as video game swords for exmple.
10-13 18:24 CosplayFu (
Hello Quintin, yes, please submit ticket (with character name and video game name, request, and reference pictures showing the pros design) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n

07-31 10:37 Quintin A Harbin
Hello again. Should the ticket be submitted with requests before of after the commission has been payed for?
07-31 19:11 CosplayFu (
Hello Quintin, submit ticket before payment.  Please submit ticket (with product link & all requests) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n
