White Wig (Short,Spike,William CF03)


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08-09 23:55 Mitch
:( That\'s okay; I kinda figured as much, but it never hurts to ask. Thanks anyway.
08-10 00:26 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
You're welcome. n_n
08-09 17:20 Mitch
Okay, here\\\'s the issue: I\\\'d like to purchase this wig and have it before August 24. Unfortunately, my money to pay for it won\\\'t transfer into my Paypal account until next Wednesday- Friday, and it will take 8 to 12 days total to make and ship the wig, but that means I won\\\'t have it in time. So i\\\'m wondering if it\\\'s possible for you to make the wig in advance, but not send it until I pay next week, then you ship it, as this is the only way I would be able to have the wig on time. :(
08-09 23:36 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Mitch, I am sorry we can't start to process your order until your payment is confirmed, pls understand.
