Flynt Coal Cosplay from RWBY


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02-05 19:09 Mark from UK
Hey guys! Me again. Was wondering if I could ask for the necktie and the sash around the fedora to be two-sided color? JUst to avoid being similar to another Coal cosplayer and I can be one of the Quartets too. :)
02-05 19:20 CosplayFu (
Hello Mark from UK, the actual costume is just same as the photo shown; if you'd like to change the color/design, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n

02-05 07:03 Mark from UK
Hey guys, You have one keen customer here. Will look to buy this 2 months before RTX UK because I'm planning to lose a bit of weight and I don't want to buy it now with my current weight as it could become loose. That aside, I was wondering if you'll ever consider making Flynt's shoes too? Since finding a specific one online is difficult and expensive. Thanks! Mark
02-05 19:09 CosplayFu (
Hello Mark from UK, please check our Flynt Coal Full Cosplay.  (n__n)
