Yui Shoes (D026) from Angel Beats


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10-05 12:05 LL
Hi there, I have ordered yui shoes on the 27th of September 2012, and i was wondering if it has been shipped yet as i need it very soon
10-05 12:19 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello LL, if you ordered already, please submit ticket (with order number) to our Support Center and let my teammates help you privately.  n_n
*Please don't disclose your personal information (e.g. order number, email, address, etc.) in Review corner.  
07-31 09:58 RPP
I was wondering why the boots' original cost is almost half the original price of the cosplay of the same character? Why does it cost so much for just a pair of boots, compared to the full cosplay and the included accessories? (http://www.cosplay.com.sg/product/Yui+Cosplay+%28117-C06%29++from+Angel+Beats/) For the cosplay
07-31 22:52 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello,The price of the shoes is depends on the cost  of the shoe.like material,labor costs ect.
