Sephiroth Wig from Final Fantasy


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11-12 21:31 Naya
Might I inquire as to how long this wig is in Inches or Centimeters? Please and Thank you ^.^
11-12 22:35 CosplayFu (
Hello Naya, the wig is about 100cm. n_n
10-29 03:37 Veronica
This is beautiful as far as color, length, and thickness, but is it possible that this wig could be made without the front bangs already cut short, and the entire wig left completely long, or the front left straight and just the edges razored? Thank you for your time-- V.
10-29 04:08 CosplayFu (
Hello Veronica, I am afraid we cannot modify it for you since we don't know how to cut it and the length you want exactly, so I think it is better you can do it on your own.
