Black Wig (Short,Spike,Yamamoto)


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08-11 04:16 Kaito
Hi! I bought this wig, and its very good, but for my use i need to curl it a little bit. Is it okay to use a curling hot-iron on it? if not, do you know any other ways i can add a curl or wave to the wig? Thanks!
08-11 12:00 CosplayFu (
Hello Kaito,thanks for your message.  This wig is made of heat-resisting fiber, can use tools which under 200 degree centigrade to style it. But we don't recommend to change the style too much. n_n
10-11 00:00 dorena crow
Do the wigs come in different sizes or is it one size fits all. Will I be able to return this wig if it doesn't fit
10-11 22:13 CosplayFu (
Hello,dorena crow,thanks for supporting us.The wig is adjustable.
