Mio Cosplay (02) from K ON


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12-04 23:03 Godtiertitan
It won't let me buy it....?
12-04 23:25 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Godtiertitan, thanks for supporting CosplayFU.  n_n
OFFER: All members who have successful order(s) in CosplayFU during 2013-01-01 & 2013-10-31.

**However, we cannot find any order records under your email address, so we are afraid you cannot enjoy the X'mas Giveaway 2013.
12-04 22:47 akimisa
even though it states there as available but i can't buy it>
12-04 22:59 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello akimisa, thanks for supporting CosplayFU.  n_n
OFFER: All members who have successful order(s) in CosplayFU during 2013-01-01 & 2013-10-31.

**However, we cannot find any order records under your email address, so we are afraid you cannot enjoy the X'mas Giveaway 2013.
