Red Wig (Long,Straight,HS15 Erza)


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03-17 13:59 Katie Daly
Hi there does heat resistent mean i can curl and use straighteners on this wig, also I was wanting it for my uma thurman poisen ivy costume do you this this wig is a good match for it kind regards katie x
03-17 21:09 CosplayFu (
Hi Katie Daly, yes, you can use tools which under 200 degree centigrade to style it. But we don't recommend to change the style too much.n_n
01-28 05:46 Sarah
Hi just wondering if you guys take solo? as it says some visa cards can be taken. thank you
01-29 22:24 CosplayFu (
Hello Sarah,we are afraid we do not accept solo.(We accept credit cards, debit cards and Paypal).
