Alice Wig from Alice Madness Returns


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02-11 20:14 Steven Tang
Hello. I was redirected here after looking for a wig for the Gaius cosplay (Tales of Xillia 2). Is there any way I could order this pre-styled for Gaius, or would I have to do the styling myself? I ask this because I'm not very confident I could do it on my own.
02-11 21:33 CosplayFu (
Hello Steven Tang, the actual wig is same as the product photo, but it will pack with the basic style, after you receives it, just use some hair styling clay to fix the style will be okay.  n_n

*This is a straight wig, so you will get the wig in the style just same as our photo, no need to style it yourself.
10-05 11:32 yuna
HELLO LONG TIME NO CHAT!! how long will it take to get to hongkong?
10-05 12:15 CosplayFu (
Hello yuna, thanks for your review.  n_n
